// works the same as youtube/vimeo, see comments in that file. var _jwplayer = [], _jwplayeri = 0; // this is the function the jwplayer calls once it's loaded. // each time it's called, it creates a new object in the global array, and passes the array key into the class so the class can refer to itself externally function onJWPlayerReady( id ) { _jwplayeri++; _jwplayer[ _jwplayeri ] = new _jwplayero( id, _jwplayeri ); } function _jwplayero( id, i ) { if( !id || !i ) return; this.id = id; this.o = document.getElementById( this.id ); if( !this.o ) return; jwplayer(this.id).onPlay(function(){_jwplayer[i].videoLog('play');}); jwplayer(this.id).onPause(function(){_jwplayer[i].videoLog('pause');}); jwplayer(this.id).onSeek(function(){_jwplayer[i].videoLog('seek');}); jwplayer(this.id).onComplete(function(){_jwplayer[i].videoLog('end');}); this.videoLog = function( action ) { // seeks happen too fast and register the time you are coming FROM, because after the click the movie hasn't actually changed time yet // so we use a timeout to delay seeks slightly, that fixes it if( window.videogoyes ) setTimeout( "videogoyes( '"+action+"', _jwplayer["+i+"].videoTime(), _jwplayer["+i+"].videoURL(), _jwplayer["+i+"].videoTitle());", ( action=="seek" ? 200 : 1 )); } this.videoTime = function() { return Math.round( jwplayer(this.id).getPosition() ); } this.videoURL = function() { return "http://realestatematchmaker.com/"+jwplayer(this.id).config.file; } this.videoTitle = function() { return jwplayer(this.id).getPlaylistItem().title || ""; } }